A Function That Writes, Saves, and Exports Syntax for Fitting Observed Actor-Partner Interdependence Models
A Function That Writes, Saves, and Exports Syntax for Fitting Observed Actor-Partner Interdependence Models
X1 = NULL,
Y1 = NULL,
X2 = NULL,
Y2 = NULL,
equate = "none",
k = FALSE,
writeTo = NULL,
fileName = NULL
- X1
character of vector name containing X variable/composite for partner 1
- Y1
character of vector name containing Y variable/composite for partner 1
- X2
character of vector name containing X variable/composite for partner 2
- Y2
character of vector name containing Y variable/composite for partner 2
- equate
character of what parameter(s) to constrain ("actor", "partner", "all"); default is "none" (all freely estimated)
- k
input logical for whether Kenny & Ledermann's (2010) k parameter should be calculated to characterize the dyadic pattern in the APIM. Default to FALSE
- writeTo
A character string specifying a directory path to where a .txt file of the resulting lavaan script should be written. If set to “.”, the .txt file will be written to the current working directory. The default is NULL, and examples use a temporary directory created by tempdir().
- fileName
A character string specifying a desired base name for the .txt output file. The default is NULL. The specified name will be automatically appended with the .txt file extension. If a file with the same name already exists in the user's chosen directory, it will be overwritten.
obsAPIMScript <- scriptObsAPIM (X1 = "SexSatA", Y1 = "RelSatA",
X2 = "SexSatB", Y2 = "RelSatB",
equate = "none",
writeTo = tempdir(),
fileName = "obsAPIM_script")