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This function takes the model from fitted dySEM scripts and exports .png path diagram figures of expected output.


outputParamFig(fit, figtype = NULL, writeTo = NULL, fileName = NULL)



Input object from fitted lavaan model.


A character input of what type of model is desired:

  • "unstandardized" for unstandardized path coefficients.

  • "standardized" for standardized path coefficients.

  • "labels" for labelled parameters.


A character string specifying a directory path to where the output file of the path diagram should be saved. If set to “.”, the file will be written to the current working directory. The default is NULL (which will throw an error), and examples use a temporary directory created by tempdir().


A character string specifying a desired base name for the output file. If a fileName not provided (i.e., fileName = NULL), then a default will be used depending on the specified figtype (e.g., "dySEM_figure unstd", "dySEM_figure std", or "dySEM_figure lab"). The specified name will automatically be appended with the .png file extension.


A qgraph object of the desired SEM path diagram, which is simultaneously exported as a .png file to the specified directory.


  • The function uses semPlot::semPaths() to create a qgraph object of the desired SEM path diagram.

  • After execution, a semPlot::semPaths() message will be printed to the console confirming the directory path of the saved output file.

  • If a file with the same name already exists in the user's chosen directory, it will be overwritten.


dvnx <- scrapeVarCross(dat = commitmentQ, x_order = "spi", x_stem = "sat.g", x_delim1 = ".",
x_delim2="_", distinguish_1="1", distinguish_2="2")

sat.config.script <- scriptCFA(dvnx, lvname = "Sat", constr_dy_meas = "none",
constr_dy_struct = "none")

sat.config.mod <- lavaan::cfa(sat.config.script, data = commitmentQ, = FALSE,
auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE)

outputParamFig(sat.config.mod, figtype = "standardized",
writeTo = tempdir(), fileName = "dCFA_configural")
#> Output stored in /home/runner/work/dySEM/dySEM/docs/reference//tmp/Rtmptd3of4/dCFA_configural std.png
dvnxy <- scrapeVarCross(dat = commitmentQ, x_order = "spi", x_stem = "sat.g", x_delim1 = ".",
x_delim2="_", distinguish_1="1", distinguish_2="2",
y_order="spi", y_stem="com", y_delim1 = ".", y_delim2="_")

apim.indist.script <-  scriptAPIM(dvnxy, lvxname = "Sat", lvyname = "Com", est_k = TRUE)

apim.indist.mod <- lavaan::cfa(apim.indist.script, data = commitmentQ, = FALSE,
auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE)

outputParamFig(apim.indist.mod, figtype = "standardized",
writeTo = tempdir(), fileName = "APIM_indist")
#> Output stored in /home/runner/work/dySEM/dySEM/docs/reference//tmp/Rtmptd3of4/APIM_indist std.png