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outputInvarCompTab() is used to compare the model fit of nested dyadic invariance models in order from most parsimonious (residual) to least parsimonious (configural)


  parsimonyFirst = FALSE,
  gtTab = FALSE,
  writeTo = NULL,
  fileName = NULL



A list of nested lavaan dyadic invariance models, in the order of residual, intercept, loading, configural


A logical input indicating whether to prioritize the residual dyadic invariance (i.e. most parsimonious measurement model) as the baseline model for nested comparisons, or to prioritize the configural dyadic invariance (i.e. least parsimonious measurement model). Defaults to FALSE (i.e., configural dyadic invariance is the baseline model).


A logical input indicating whether to generate the output in gt::gt() table object format (TRUE). By default (FALSE), the output is generated in tibble::tibble() format. Users can also apply the writeTo argument if they wish to export the gt:gt() table object.


A character string specifying a directory path to where the gt::gt() table object should be saved. If set to ".", the file will be written to the current working directory. The default is NULL, and examples use a temporary directory created by tempdir(). writeTo is only relevant if gtTab = TRUE.


A character string specifying a desired base name for the output gt::gt() file. If a fileName is not provided (i.e., fileName = NULL), then a default will be used (i.e., "dySEM_table"). The resulting base name will automatically be appended with a .rtf file extension. fileName is only relevant if gtTab = TRUE and writeTo is specified.


A tibble::tibble() if gtTab = FALSE (default), or gt::gt() object if gtTab = TRUE, of model fit statistics for each model, as well as the difference in fit statistics between each model and the previous model


  • If gtTab = TRUE and writeTo is specified, then output will simultaneously be saved as a .rtf file to the user's specified directory.

  • If output file is successfully saved, a confirmation message will be printed to the console.

  • If a file with the same name already exists in the user's chosen directory, it will be overwritten.


dvn <- scrapeVarCross(dat = commitmentQ, x_order = "spi",
x_stem = "sat.g", x_delim1 = ".", x_delim2="_", distinguish_1="1", distinguish_2="2")

sat.residual.script <- scriptCor(dvn, lvname = "Sat",
constr_dy_meas = c("loadings", "intercepts", "residuals"), constr_dy_struct = "none")

sat.intercept.script <- scriptCor(dvn, lvname = "Sat",
constr_dy_meas = c("loadings", "intercepts"), constr_dy_struct = "none")

sat.loading.script <- scriptCor(dvn, lvname = "Sat",
constr_dy_meas = c("loadings"), constr_dy_struct = "none")

sat.config.script <- scriptCor(dvn, lvname = "Sat",
constr_dy_meas = "none", constr_dy_struct = "none") <- lavaan::cfa(sat.residual.script, data = commitmentQ, = FALSE, auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE) <- lavaan::cfa(sat.intercept.script, data = commitmentQ, = FALSE, auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE) <- lavaan::cfa(sat.loading.script, data = commitmentQ, = FALSE, auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE) <- lavaan::cfa(sat.config.script, data = commitmentQ, = FALSE, auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE)

mods <- list(,,,

outputInvarCompTab(mods, parsimonyFirst = FALSE,
gtTab = TRUE, writeTo = tempdir(), fileName = "dCFA_Invar_Standard")
#> Output stored in: /tmp/Rtmpk4edVb/dCFA_Invar_Standard.rtf
mod chisq df pvalue aic bic rmsea cfi chisq_diff df_diff p_diff aic_diff bic_diff rmsea_diff cfi_diff
configural 78.842 42 0.000 3855.175 3918.308 0.087 0.970 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
loading 60.321 37 0.009 3846.654 3923.512 0.074 0.981 -18.521 -5 0.002 -8.521 5.204 -0.013 0.011
intercept 58.810 33 0.004 3853.143 3940.981 0.082 0.979 -1.511 -4 0.825 6.489 17.469 0.008 -0.002
residual 53.026 29 0.004 3855.359 3954.176 0.085 0.981 -5.784 -4 0.216 2.216 13.196 0.002 0.001
mods <- list(,,, outputInvarCompTab(mods, parsimonyFirst = TRUE, gtTab = TRUE, writeTo = tempdir(), fileName = "dCFA_Invar_Reverse") #> Output stored in: /tmp/Rtmpk4edVb/dCFA_Invar_Reverse.rtf
mod chisq df pvalue aic bic rmsea cfi chisq_diff df_diff p_diff aic_diff bic_diff rmsea_diff cfi_diff
residual 53.026 29 0.004 3855.359 3954.176 0.085 0.981 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
intercept 58.810 33 0.004 3853.143 3940.981 0.082 0.979 5.784 4 0.216 -2.216 -13.196 -0.002 -0.001
loading 60.321 37 0.009 3846.654 3923.512 0.074 0.981 1.511 4 0.825 -6.489 -17.469 -0.008 0.002
configural 78.842 42 0.000 3855.175 3918.308 0.087 0.970 18.521 5 0.002 8.521 -5.204 0.013 -0.011